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AAX Engineering LLP

Senior Staff


Our Engineers, Geologists, Surveyors and Staff are dedicated to the needs of our clients and their projects. We operate as a team and striving to have a multidisciplined view and approach on our projects. This allows us to provide diverse points of view, experience and problem-solving skills for all our clients.


John Rooks

John Rooks, is the CEO and Managing Director of AAX Engineering, LLP. John has worked in the public and private sector. In the public sector John's experience stems from the U.S. Corps of Engineers, as a Technical Lead and Lead Civil Engineering Designer.  John has worked on projects ranging from site development and Dam modification to vertical construction. John is also a Veteran who brings with him the dedication, determination and motivation that he had while in service. These attributes push AAX to our maximum potential on every project. 

Areas of expertise: Project Management, Civil Engineering, CADD, Utilities, Site Development, Levee Design, Dam Design, Earthwork Design, Stormwater / Wastewater, Construction/O&M Support, Surveying


Matt Rodgers, pe, LS

Matt Rodgers, PE, LS, is the Chief Operations Officer of AAX Engineering, LLP. Matt has dedicated over thirty years to civil engineering in the Sacramento region. Matt has infused AAX with the innovation, accountability and excellence that has defined his career. Matt has also served as a Planning Commissioner for the City of Sacramento, adviser to students within the Civil Engineering Department at California State University, Sacramento and Engineers Without Borders.


Areas of expertise: Civil and Geo-Civil Engineering, Stormwater, Wastewater, Surveying, Project Management, Construction/O&M Support, CADD, Drinking Water, Sites, Transportation, and Entitlements

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Coralie (Wilhite) Schweitzer, CEG, PG

CoraIie (Wilhite) Schweitzer, PG, CEG, is a skilled and dedicated Senior Engineering Geologist who provides strong technical leadership and is known for her cradle-to-grave contributions approach. Coralie has extensive experience on civil works infrastructure projects, including their investigation, evaluation, design, and construction. She has further experience in a range of geological engineering and engineering geology applications, with particular focus on slope stability, rock mechanics, and landslides.


Areas of expertise:  Field investigation planning and execution, site characterization, rope access geologic inspections, landslide evaluation and repair, slope stabilization design and reinforcement, dam site evaluation and dam engineering, construction quality assurance (CQA), engineering during construction (EDC),  Rocscience Suite, GeoStudio (Slope/W), and SpecsIntact. 

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